Congratulations, Minimus!!! You can spoil them and send them home when you've had enough. I hope it's a Christmas baby!!!
White Waves
JoinedPosts by White Waves
I'm Gonna Be A Grandfather!!!!!
by minimus inmy daughter and her husband told me and her mom last night that she is due december 24th!
it will be our first grandchild.
she'll be 28 and is sooooooo excited!
religiosity and intelligence..
by candidlynuts in
interesting reading i thought.. no wonder high control religious groups discourage education if there are studies that show conclusively that people with higher educations/intelligence are more likely to not believe in god at all!.
religiousness and intelligence is a subject of studies on the social correlates of intelligence and iq.
White Waves
JW children deprived of education and those hindered by overbearing parental figures sqewer these factoids. I myself was deprived of education but realized that only the "blind" or "easy" follow the JWs so easily. Otherwise, perhaps they are of lower IQ, I don't know. I wish I could have applied myself to high school and then college. But the JWs and my parents deprived me of that. I moved out once I graduated from HS, but I could not get an in to a college because the stupid meetings meant more that my future. Not only that, I had to move out of my parents house or PIONEER. I moved out, the best decision I made. Unfortunately, my life could have been so much better if my parents hadn't been such JW psychos.
When you left the JWs did you keep their publications?
by White Waves ini threw everything away except the bible (which i now know is crap), the songbook and reasoning from the scriptures ( to use against them... primarily the conversation stopper part).
so many posters seem be able to access jw info easily and quote it... i wonder if i should have kept everything.
at the time, it was a way to start over and commit to never going back.
White Waves
Damn! I should have kept some of the old yearbooks I took when I moved out of my parents. Sounds like EBAY could have given me a nice profit!! I called my ex husband to be... he is going to give me a cd from the society. He thinks he is helping my spirituality. Actually, he is going to help my apostasy. HeHeHE!!!
How do some of you, find so much time to be on this board?
by free2beme ini have noticed that some posters are here a lot, and i was just wondering how you find so much time to do that?
between work, coming home and playing with my child, working outdoors in the yard, and enjoying the weekend in the outdoors doing fishing, hiking or just getting outside.
i have little time for places like this and yet some are here "a lot!
White Waves
I am permanently disabled because of my JW Husband (divorce in process) so, I guess I have more time to watch this site. I have to say, I love it. I had to start commenting asap because it is such a great site. In fact, I was suicidal before I found it. This site and all of you have made me realize I am not the only one F***ed by the GB and WBTS. And I realize I can get a life. Many of you have so I can too. Thank you to whoever created this site.
Notes 2006 Spl Assy Day "Keep Your Eye Simple"
by doinmypart inhere are my notes from the 2006 special assembly day "keep your eye simple".
i added emphasis to some of the notes.. why keep your eye simple (local elder).
what are some of these things?
White Waves
If I knew all of this was available on the Web, I could have done a much better job faking it the last decade I was a JW!!!
Fort Jehovah
by justsomedude ini was recently in a central american country and saw something that really blew my mind.. there was a kingdom hall behind what had to be 14 foot gates and it looked to have much more in common with a military compound than a place of worship.
i really wish i could have gotten pictures of it, but i always seemed to be in that area at night when the pictures werent worth a damn.
i guess its not terribly surprising considering that is not too far off the fashion in building down there, but i couldnt help but think about the dubs constant reminder that we didnt need to fear what men could do because we had gods backing...... but just in case, were building a fort.. jsd
White Waves
As a former "elder's daughter" I have seen several JW Halls located in inner Milwaukee, WI that had high chainlink fences and one that had barbed wire on the top. The MS's from other halls or other meeting times patrolled the premises. 10 minutes after the "barbed wire" congregation started services, the gates were locked. That hall had at least 2 congregations at the time. Before my elder dad took us there for there for his Sunday talk, he took his hubcaps off and when we got there and parked he had us close the curtains in the van to hide the interior. There is trust in God for ya.
How did you cope?
by Zico inwhen you found out that this religion probably wasn't the one true religion like you had believed probably for a large portion of your life, or maybe even all of it, how did you react?
my whole life belongs to the society.
all my friends are witnesses, my family are witnesses, even my job is dedicated to the society.
White Waves
I was full of rage. Rage and the entire organization, my parents and myself. Rage because of all of the missed life experiences and opportunities. My first few non-jw friends showed me the way. One of them, an older man, had almost become a jw and his wife was one. He was the greatest help of all. He is still one of my best friends.
what say ye about this quote?
by lovelylil ini was looking at some old wt articles and i found this quote.
i thought it was pretty ironic, what say ye?.
the vatican belittles bible study by claiming it is the only organization authorized and qualified to interpret the bible.
White Waves
That is a riot... So much of the stuff they accuse other religions of, they do all of the time!!! Hypocrites is what they are. I honestly don't understand why more JWs can't see that. The WTBS is constantly making statements and then contradicting itself in a demented circular way of thinking that has no end or logic. Oh, that is right - don't question - only OBEY. If an elder tells the congregation to jump off the nearest cliff - do they all go for it??? Answer: Yes. Elder speaks for GOD.
Would Jesus ?
by scrubmaster ini have been thinking about this for a while and while a lot of things posted here deal with directing at the wrong things in the org -- here is another way to look at things.
for those that do not believe in the bible or jesus -- this will not be relevant...... if jesus were here on the earth today in charge of the congregation - -would he give the elders a flock book and then tell them this is what is to be used, with out the friends knowledge when it came to judicial cases.
would he threaten ones who look at it?
White Waves
Once I realized my prayers were being answered all along, just not through WBTS or anyone belonging to JWs, and I accepted the answers to my prayers from (SHOCK!!) non-JWs, my life kept getting better and better. I KNOW that I have a real relationship with GOD and Jesus. I am at peace for the 1st time in my life. Not only that, WTBS undermine any personal confidence, independance or individuality. Now, I am getting to know me and what I really want. The first few non-JWs I trusted and accepted help and friendship from proved by far to be better than any friends I thought I had in the WBTS.
When you left the JWs did you keep their publications?
by White Waves ini threw everything away except the bible (which i now know is crap), the songbook and reasoning from the scriptures ( to use against them... primarily the conversation stopper part).
so many posters seem be able to access jw info easily and quote it... i wonder if i should have kept everything.
at the time, it was a way to start over and commit to never going back.
White Waves
I threw everything away except the bible (which I now know is crap), the songbook and Reasoning from the Scriptures ( to use against them... primarily the conversation stopper part). So many posters seem be able to access JW info easily and quote it... I wonder if I should have kept everything. At the time, it was a way to start over and commit to never going back.